The introduction of the National Living Wage, unseasonable weather, England’s early exit from the Euros and the recent Brexit decision have all added significant pressure to the UK’s pubs and bars this summer, reveals new data from Begbies Traynor, the UK’s leading independent insolvency firm.
Gary Shankland and Jamie Taylor of Begbies Traynor have been appointed as Trustees to the bankruptcy of Australian footballer Lucas Neill.
New data from Begbies Traynor, the UK’s leading independent insolvency firm, reveals that nearly 60,000 UK companies that were forced to implement the National Living Wage on 1 April were already in a dire financial state before the scheme was even introduced, suggesting that the UK could see a spate of business failures in 2016 as these companies struggle to absorb the higher staff costs associated with this new regulation.
c.21,000 UK manufacturers which rely heavily on exports could be tipped over the edge in a Brexit scenario
Financial distress across the leading football clubs in Scotland, which peaked in 2011 at almost 10% of all clubs, remains at a record low according to football finance experts at Begbies Traynor who analysed key indicators of business distress in the sector.
Football ‘fitter than ever before’ - club distress rates plummet to record lows
Leading insolvency and professional services practitioner Begbies Traynor has won a major insolvency services contract for the Northern Ireland government’s Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI).
The latest analysis of published corporate insolvency statistics for 2015 reveals that Begbies Traynor has retained its position as the UK’s leading business recovery practice with regard to total corporate insolvency appointments.
New data reveals that UK companies are bracing themselves for a difficult 2016, after finishing 2015 in a challenging financial state, warns Begbies Traynor, the UK’s leading independent insolvency firm.
In the final days before Christmas, UK retailers are pinning all their hopes on a last minute sales surge from desperate shoppers who have left it too late for online deliveries, after another challenging festive trading period for the British high street, warns Begbies Traynor, the UK’s leading independent insolvency firm.
The unseasonably warm September, combined with greater disposable income resulting from a low inflationary economy, as well as the positive impact of the Rugby World Cup provided a much needed boost to the fortunes of the UK’s bars and restaurants sector during the final weeks of the third quarter, reveals new data from business recovery specialists Begbies Traynor.
As the UK’s supermarket price war rages on, with Tesco and Sainsbury’s recently reporting further price cuts to stem the flow of falling sales, new research from business recovery specialists Begbies Traynor indicates that stability may finally be returning to the struggling UK grocery sector, as the industry shows the first tentative signs that it has adjusted to today’s new low margin environment.
Begbies Traynor Group plc, the business recovery and property services consultancy, today announces its agreement to acquire the trade and certain assets of The P&A Partnership Ltd out of administration in a pre-pack deal.
Today’s disappointing results show that even Aldi can’t escape the clutches of the ongoing supermarket price war. As its bigger rivals have committed to investing billions of pounds worth of price cuts over the next few years, Aldi has been forced to react in kind, causing its operating profit to fall by 4% last year, compared to stellar profits growth of 65% during 2013 and 124% in 2012.
As the UK’s largest supermarkets up their game in the race to win back customers from the German discounters, their means of slashing prices and delaying payments to suppliers means that the food retail industry has never been tougher for the UK’s smallest food suppliers, independent grocers and farmers, warns business recovery specialists Begbies Traynor.
Begbies Traynor Group, the specialist professional services consultancy, today announces the launch of BTG Global Advisory (, an international alliance of independent insolvency, restructuring and financial advisory firms operating in key jurisdictions across the globe.
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