Begbies Traynor Group

Miracle World Ventures Limited (In Liquidation) operating as “Globix” or “Globix Cash”

Meeting Room Liquidation
Date Published: 15/03/2023

On 10 March 2023, the company behind Globix, Miracle World Ventures Limited (“the Company”, “MW”) was placed into voluntary liquidation in the British Virgin Islands. 

Who are the liquidators?

The Liquidators are Brian Robert Simpson, Joanne Wild and Adrian Hyde.  They are partners or directors of Begbies Traynor Group (“BTG”) in BVI, Gibraltar and London respectively. BTG is a leading insolvency and restructuring consultancy employing over 700 staff over a network of 100 offices. BTG has a market-leading reputation for dealing with high profile and complex insolvencies.

BTG have not been involved with MW or Mr Carreras in any capacity and are independent of all parties.

The liquidators have also formally engaged specialist legal advisors, both in the British Virgin Islands and in Gibraltar. Our BVI Counsel is provided by Campbells, led by Mark Goodman, who is an insolvency lawyer with over 15 years experience of offshore liquidations gained in some of the most complex and high value liquidations in the Caribbean. Our Gibraltar and UK counsel is Daniel Feetham KC through Gibraltar law firm Hassans and London law firm Madison Legal Limited. Daniel Feetham is an experienced insolvency lawyer and has acted in numerous high-profile cases in Gibraltar, the Caribbean and London.

Bios of the duly appointed liquidators and advisor team are included below:

Adrian Hyde

Joanne Wild

Brian Robert Simpson

Mark Goodman

Daniel Feetham KC

If you wish to contact the liquidators or their advisers please use the dedicated email address of [email protected].

What will the liquidators do?

In the British Virgin Islands liquidators are officers of the Court. The primary role of the liquidators is to recover assets for creditors as part of an orderly wind down of the Company’s affairs. This includes investigating the cause of the Company’s failure. They can formally interview relevant persons and have statutory powers to compel individuals to attend for public examination, if needed. The liquidators are also responsible for adjudicating on the claims of creditors and when funds allow making distributions to creditors with valid claims.

At this early stage of the liquidation we are formulating our strategy to protect the assets of the company and those under its management for the benefit of the creditors. Liquidations are complex processes, particularly where cryptoassets are concerned, and the whole process can often take a long time to conclude. However the liquidators will update customers and creditors directly, regularly and with meaningful detail as and when circumstances allow, as well as opportunities for Q&As.

The Liquidators initial concern is to secure the crypto assets and its operating platform that the Company was using prior to its liquidation. The liquidators have a range of options to achieve this. Alongside this work, the liquidators will also establish the circumstances leading up to the company’s liquidation, and report on that to creditors.

The liquidators have also already taken steps to:-

  • Arrange a virtual ‘Town Hall’ call by Monday 20 March (details to follow)
  • Set up a dedicated email address for individual queries  
  • Contact individual creditors where we hold their details
  • Taken steps to locate creditors though social media channels
  • Advertising online and in the Times (UK), Handlesblatt (Germany), BVI, Gibraltar and London Gazettes and Spanish publications.
  • Procure highly secure custody arrangements for crypto assets recovered during the liquidation.
  • Review where the Company is in relation to recovering the system and assets, and  preparing, and executing, a plan to achieve this.

Next Steps

Within 7 days:

The liquidators will have hosted a Virtual Town Hall event – a email with joining instructions will be sent in due course to affected parties

By the end of the month:

The Liquidators will have held a formal creditors meeting, as required under the Insolvency laws of the British Virgin Islands.

The creditors meeting is held to hear an account of actions taken by the liquidator since appointment, and ratify the liquidators appointment amongst other formalities. Access details will be provided in due course to creditors.

30 April – 2nd Town Hall call will be scheduled to be held

Thank you

Globix Liquidation Team
For the Joint Liquidators
Acting as agent of the Company and without personal liability

[email protected]

About The Author

Meet the Team

Adrian is a licensed insolvency practitioner. Prior to joining CVR (acquired by Begbies Traynor Group in 2021), he was a Partner in two well-known law firms, specialising in insolvency, proceeds of crime and fraud work.

Experienced in working on a wide range of insolvency matters, the majority of Adrian’s assignments involve crime or dishonesty and many involve overseas issues at offshore jurisdictions and business centres.

Adrian has been splitting his time between London and Gibraltar while working on the liquidation of an international law firm. This has provided an opportunity to focus on the expansion of Begbies Traynor’s international business and has led to an increasing amount of international work.

Adrian is a former President of R3, the UK trade body representing the insolvency profession.

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