First Step Finance Limited, Debt Help & Advice Limited, Primary Business Solutions Limited - All In Administration.
Fifty jobs have been saved after a Salisbury care agency which supplied home care nursing staff across Wiltshire was sold out of administration.
The Kyle Shopping Centre in Ayr, the nearby Arran Mall and an adjacent development site in Carrick Street have been sold in a multi million pound deal.
Following the appointment of Bob Maxwell and Julie Palmer as joint administrators of Dorchester Care LLP and its designated member Lyndale Healthcare Limited on 10 April 2014, buyers are being sought for three nursing homes.
York-based MSS Clean Technology has been purchased by Environmental Engineering, securing the jobs of all 12 staff including the management team.
Administrators Begbies Traynor, jointly with Valad Europe, are marketing the Kyle Shopping Centre in Ayr. Read more on Begbies Traynor Group news section.
On 13 January 2014 Bob Maxwell and Nick Reed of Begbies Traynor in Leeds were appointed as joint administrators of the well-known country house hotel, Dunsley Hall, near Whitby.
A Plymouth nursing home is to close in early February after receivers were unable to find a buyer for the struggling business.
“Luton based frame fabricators, Weathershield Windows Limited (the Company), has been placed into Administration by the Directors of the Company.
The popular Whitworth Hall Hotel in Spennymoor near Durham has been sold by administrators.
The joint administrators of the Whitworth Hall Hotel in Spennymoor near Durham are confident that a sale will soon be concluded following enquiries from more than 30 potential purchasers.
A 31-bed nursing and residential home in Dorset has been placed into administration ahead of going up for sale.
A buyer is being sought for the renowned Whitworth Hall Hotel in Spennymoor near Durham which is being operated as a going concern by joint administrators, Andrew Haslam and Gary Lee of Begbies Traynor.
Julie Palmer and Jason Greenhalgh of Begbies Traynor LLP were appointed by the High Court as joint liquidators of Industry RE Limited.
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