Begbies Traynor Group

Wigan Athletic Football Club in administration

Date Published: 01/07/2020

Paul Stanley, Gerald Krasner and Dean Watson from Begbies Traynor have been appointed as joint
administrators of Wigan Athletic Football Club, on Wednesday 1 July 2020.

Gerald Krasner said: “Our immediate objectives are to ensure the club completes all its fixtures this
season and to urgently find interested parties to save Wigan Athletic FC and the jobs of the people
who work for the club.

“Obviously the suspension of the Championship season due to Covid‐19 has had a significant impact
on the recent fortunes of the club.

“Wigan Athletic has been a focal point and source of pride for the town since 1932 and anyone who
is interested in buying this historic sporting institution should contact the joint administrators

Paul Stanley, North West regional managing partner of Begbies Traynor, based in Manchester, said: 

"We understand that everybody connected with the club and the wider football world is seeking clarity on the future of Wigan Athletic. That's exactly what we are seeking to provide as we move through this process and we seek out interested parties to rescue this famous old club here in the region. It is a fast-moving situation and we will provide updates on key developments." 

If you have any enquiry regarding the administration of Wigan Athletic please contact - Sarah Hone or Paul Snape at Appeal PR [email protected]; [email protected] 01423 569999

For media access into the DW Stadium and onsite press conference facility contact Pete Davies of Sugar PR on 07779 033 016.

About The Author

Meet the Team

Gerald qualified in 1971 as an ACA with Peat Marwick Mitchell and subsequently joined Bartfields Chartered Accountants where he began to specialise in Insolvency. He was one of the first licence holders in 1986 when he specialised in CVAs before they became more popular. Gerald has worked on numerous successful cases including Krasner v Dennison, for which he won in the Court Of Appeal and as a consequence changed the treatment of a bankrupts' pensions.

In 2004 he became chairman and part owner of Leeds United AFC which had debts of circa £103 million. These were reduced to £24 million before the club was sold the following year. In 2007 he sold the insolvency division of Bartfields to Begbies Traynor and became a partner at the firm.

Gerald has lectured both nationally and internationally to fellow insolvency practitioners and other professionals, and has also been involved in committees for both R3 and Insol.

Gerald has spent over 15 years as a partner at Begbies Traynor and continues his insolvency career as a consultant in the Newcastle office working with high profile cases across the country.

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