Begbies Traynor Group

Update from the Liquidators of Miracle World Ventures Limited

Big Meeting Room
Date Published: 30/03/2023

The Joint Liquidators have issued a creditor circular providing an update ahead of the First Meeting of Creditors on Friday. They have obtained recognition of the BVI voluntary liquidation in Gibraltar and been granted orders to protect the company's assets.

On March 29, 2023, Mr Justice Yeats granted an Order recognising the BVI voluntary liquidation in Gibraltar, and also ordering a stay of all legal proceedings against the company and its assets. As such, transfers of the company's assets are prohibited without the consent of the Joint Liquidators.

Additionally, the Court granted interim injunctions and disclosure orders against certain individuals and unknown persons. Damian Carreras and Pavel Sidorov have been ordered to hand over all information, including documents, concerning the company's assets, affairs, rights, obligations, or liabilities in their possession or control. They have also been issued with an interim injunction preventing them from using or reducing the contents of any wallets they have used to interact with wallets within the Globix cash system/IT platform, into which investors paid money for the purposes of investing in the Globix system.

Persons Unknown have also been issued with interim injunctions, including an injunction prohibiting them from disposing of or dealing with any crypto currency in three distinct wallets which the Liquidators have identified as potentially being Globix wallets, as well as a wider group of wallets. They are also prohibited from operating or interfering with the Globix cash system/IT platform or disposing of, dealing with, or diminishing the value of any of the crypto currency in any Globix wallet operating within the Globix cash system/IT platform, whether they are inside or outside Gibraltar.

The Liquidators have also obtained a Disclosure Order requiring Unknown Persons (Binance) to disclose information about wallets in the Binance exchange. The disclosure order also requires them to disclose whether certain wallets are Binance deposit wallets, and the identity of the Binance User ID associated with them.

The Return Day for the interim Orders is April 13, 2023, at which point, the Court will consider applications for wider injunctions, further disclosure applications, and the public examination, in court, of Damian Carreras and Pavel Sidorov.

About The Author

Meet the Team

Adrian is a licensed insolvency practitioner. Prior to joining CVR (acquired by Begbies Traynor Group in 2021), he was a Partner in two well-known law firms, specialising in insolvency, proceeds of crime and fraud work.

Experienced in working on a wide range of insolvency matters, the majority of Adrian’s assignments involve crime or dishonesty and many involve overseas issues at offshore jurisdictions and business centres.

Adrian has been splitting his time between London and Gibraltar while working on the liquidation of an international law firm. This has provided an opportunity to focus on the expansion of Begbies Traynor’s international business and has led to an increasing amount of international work.

Adrian is a former President of R3, the UK trade body representing the insolvency profession.

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