Begbies Traynor Group

Begbies Traynor appointed as administrators to kitchen and bedroom manufacturer

Kitchen Manufacturer 1040x700
Date Published: 07/02/2024

Huw Powell, Paul Wood and Mark Malone, partners at Begbies Traynor, have been appointed as joint administrators to kitchen and bedroom manufacturer Highlight Green Acres Limited, which traded as Mereway Kitchens.

Highlight Green Acres Limited acquired the assets of Mereway Kitchens out of administration in the summer of 2023 and operated from Birmingham, employing 135 staff.

The business has ceased trading, with 120 staff made redundant with immediate effect. The remaining 15 staff are assisting the administrators with the orderly wind down of the business.

Huw Powell, joint administrator, and partner at Begbies Traynor, said:

“It is a difficult day for everyone involved with Mereway Kitchens. The trading challenges experienced by the company have been felt by many businesses due to volatile economic factors resulting in falling consumer demand. This created significant cash flow pressures and after concluding that alternative options were not viable, unfortunately the appointment of administrators and decision to cease to trade became necessary.

“It is always disappointing to see a long-established business fail and our thoughts are with the employees, who only recently came through an insolvency process and will be devastated by today’s news. We are hopeful that the reputation of the skilled workforce at Mereway for delivering high quality products will allow employees to find new employment quickly, and we wish them all the best.”

A spokesperson for the company said: “Despite substantial investment and significant progress in many areas, it has not been possible for Mereway to achieve the required sales volumes that were needed to make this business profitable.

“The impact of the original business going into administration in 2023 appears to have significantly impacted customer confidence. This, along with a weakening market in the last three months has materially impacted the business. It is therefore with great sadness we have reached the conclusion that there was no viable alternative to this action.”

FAQs relating to the situation have been published and creditors can email [email protected] with any other urgent queries.

About The Author

Meet the Team

Huw is a chartered certified accountant with more than 20 years' experience working with businesses that are experiencing financial difficulties.

His impressive network of contacts and relationships with key stakeholders - from lenders and creditors to turnaround specialists – is key in strengthening Begbies Traynor's presence in Wales.

Huw's track record of success within insolvency speaks for itself and he is a major asset within the strong Cardiff setup, which has a combined total of more than 200 years' experience of recovery and rescue work.

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